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Formatting Syntax: 16 Occurrences trouvées
language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all poss... p>superscript</sup>, too. You can mark something as <del>deleted</del> as well. You can mark something as <del>deleted</del> as well. **Paragraphs** are created from blank lines. If you want to **f... simply - You can set the link text as well: [[|This Link points to
Recipes: 11 Occurrences trouvées
(at a cost of under 5% error), one may take a cup as 240 gm rather than 227 gm: 240 gm is easy to divi... ight), very often one encounters volumes measured as "1/2 verre d'huile", "une cuillerée de farine", "... rceaux de sucre." I've generally taken a "verre" as half a cup, that is 120-125ml. I've also taken s... was skinned but still very recognizably a rabbit, as my wife chanted "here comes Peter Cottontail, hop
An Idealized Re-Design of Collaborative Databases: 9 Occurrences trouvées
ool but not only. Other publishing systems, such as [[|spip]] have some fine feat... resources]]. These may be **push** systems such as electronic mail and instant messaging; **pull** systems, such as web sites of various sorts; or systems which are both, such as mailing lists with ar... doing them. AFAIK, Dokuwiki does not have "save as draft" and some user management features I'd like
Formal Concept Analysis: 7 Occurrences trouvées
e is C and "parallel" is an option; it can be run as the sequential algorithm. In fact, the paralleli... undation for the threads to complete. Whereas CbO as originally described adds objects to the extent o... ersecting their intents with the previous intent (as long as the intersection is not empty), pcbo proc... the file formats of commonly-used FCA tools (such as ToscanaJ, ConExp, Galicia and Colibri) and betwee
Prospects: 7 Occurrences trouvées
I'm not naming the Dokuwiki application because, as far as my experience with various wiki software h... tion. I would like to be able to just add a page as I would a content list, like a [[prospects:b_logg... nt to be used for the first manner of page-adding as a default place to add links before creation, not... ory with [[listbush|a catalog]], probably digital as well. Actually, I've already begun cataloguing,
rsync Overwrote a Newer File!: 7 Occurrences trouvées
irectories. Fortunately, I ran a test beforehand, as one should do if one doesn't want to risk losing ... a subdirectory. My terminal session (Linux) went as follows (I was working with ''rsync'' with both '... ying subdirectory contents | | -l | copy symlinks as symlinks | | -p | preserve permissions | | -t | p... rsync -avu parents/ joe This works as long as one specifies files in such a way as to a
Tutoriel d'exploration de données: 6 Occurrences trouvées
Eggnog Recipes: 6 Occurrences trouvées
Eggnog may not be a balanced diet, but I like it as a seasonal nutritional supplement (lots of calori... nog here, not nutmeg flavored crême anglaise) or, as here, __per four eggs__. The method variations ma... asing order on spirits/egg; one can also see this as decreasing amount of egg per shot of spirits, a s... s not surprising that Mr Boston puts nearly twice as much booze as the next recipe, a bit over triple
joe: 5 Occurrences trouvées
ing | TTh 1.00-2.15 | Object-oriented programming as a means to efficient, reliable, modular, reusable... bability theory, including some inequalities such as Chernoff bounds.\\ After CPSC 365b; a solid backg... ional vision with a biological emphasis. Suitable as an introduction to biological perception for computer science and engineering students, as well as an introduction to computational vision for mathem
Conception de BD réparties et requêtes: 5 Occurrences trouvées
C4 | Smith | Lille | ''create table client1 as select * from client where ville = 'Paris'; '' |... 3 ^ Martin ^ Paris ^ ''create table client2 as select * from client where ville != 'Paris' ;'' ... la table initiale par union ''create view client as select * from client1 union select * from client2... isation d'une clè étrangère: ''create table cde1 as select cde.* from cde, client1 where cde.client =
Aile de Raie - Sauce au Sauternes: 5 Occurrences trouvées
been overfished; indeed, I don't find it for sale as often as I did a couple of decades ago. However, ... will be heated but not cooked (it will bed placed as a frame around the edge of the plates). I generally don't have the time (or patience) for this, as this is a special-occasion ((expensive ingredients... .)) - Poach the skate (or prepare the scallops, as noted above) about __10 minutes__ in plenty of wa
Shoes by Clarks: 5 Occurrences trouvées
e to find Roots. I've found them very comfortable as well as attractive. My main complaint, which holds for most other shoes made today as well, is that it is impossible to replace the soles (those I'v... (which make them squeak or wheeze when walked on, as well as possibly letting water in.)). I also mana
Macaroni Casserole: 5 Occurrences trouvées
Celery stalks haven't always been available here as consistently as they now are, so I usually didn't... ft but not browned. Remove and set aside, leaving as much butter as possible in the pan | | 2 | Tb | f... little to //gratiner//. Looking again to lasagna as a model, the recipes I use call for 100g of chees
Hopping John: 5 Occurrences trouvées
EAS ^ | Black-eyed peas are esteemed in the South as an appetizing basic dish (traditionally served on... d peas. This combination is known to the Creoles as Jamba-laya au Congri. | | "Hopping John" is made ... recipes for "Hopping John" from various sources. As the text above acknowledges, they vary in composi... , having black-eyed peas and rice (and salt pork) as their points in common. I also like to make tabl
rsync utility: 4 Occurrences trouvées
GNU Emacs Lisp Package Archive: 4 Occurrences trouvées
Ratpoison Window Manager: 4 Occurrences trouvées
SuitableStuff: 4 Occurrences trouvées
Honey-Ginger Grilled Salmon: 3 Occurrences trouvées
How to Write a World Class Paper: 3 Occurrences trouvées
nanoweb installation in Ubuntu 10.10: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Red Snapper Veracruz Style: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Stump: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Friday XIII: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Adding Buttons to DokuWiki: 3 Occurrences trouvées
JSMath Debug: 3 Occurrences trouvées
"Applications distribuées": 3 Occurrences trouvées
Color Contrast: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Pita Bread: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Family Systems: 3 Occurrences trouvées
College Rankings: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Formats for Contexts and Concepts: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Include Plugin: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Ages of Parents Chart: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Compilation: 2 Occurrences trouvées
SQL Warehousing Tutorial: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Compte Rendu: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Advice Snippets & Resources: 2 Occurrences trouvées
JSM Markup Button: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Fuzzy Concept Extractor: 2 Occurrences trouvées
On vit une époque formidable !!!: 2 Occurrences trouvées
el-get package manager for emacs: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Visitor: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Frozen spinach with potatoes: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Public Holidays in France: 2 Occurrences trouvées
DokuWiki Plugins I Have Known: 2 Occurrences trouvées
The Perfect Chocolate Cake: 1 Occurrences trouvées
mvcReader: 1 Occurrences trouvées
French-Toasted Tuna Melts: 1 Occurrences trouvées
LaTeX Math Symbols: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Pollo à la Vinagreta: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Php Classes of Possible Interest: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Design Patterns: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Twigs: 1 Occurrences trouvées
DokuWiki D.I.Y. (or D.I.M. ?): 1 Occurrences trouvées
Interactions controller-model: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Theisms: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Civet de Canard: 1 Occurrences trouvées
charset: 1 Occurrences trouvées
R-Project: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Structures de données: 1 Occurrences trouvées
what year might that have been?: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Bon à Savoir: 1 Occurrences trouvées
WordCloud: 1 Occurrences trouvées
One-Bowl Dinner Rolls: 1 Occurrences trouvées
DokuWiki: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Questions de Logique: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Concombres au Yaourt: 1 Occurrences trouvées
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