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An Idealized Re-Design of Collaborative Databases: 19 Occurrences trouvées
n ideal system for collaborative document sharing be like? In particular, what might an individual wa... me re-ordering--and co-authoring-- and could only be shared with classmates, instructors, and so on, s... ucing, sharing and modifying what may generically be termed [[cms:documents|documents or resources]]. These may be **push** systems such as electronic mail and instant messaging; **pull** systems, such
Formatting Syntax: 16 Occurrences trouvées
up language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all p... ly create links by default, but this behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If Dok... "local zone"). * For Mozilla and Firefox it can be enabled through the config option [[ f contents is generated automatically -- this can be disabled by including the string ''<nowiki>~~NOTO
Prospects: 10 Occurrences trouvées
ing an existing page to add a link to the page-to-be, saving, clicking on the link, and answering "yes... tion; - typing the path and name of the page-to-be in the URL field of the browser, requesting the U... nt-to-create-this-page question. I would like to be able to just add a page as I would a content list... age is just another twigs page but it is meant to be used for the first manner of page-adding as a def
Recipes: 9 Occurrences trouvées
ouldn't find in France (and which might no longer be available in the U.S., for that matter). * Thin... found that several recipes for other meats could be nicely adapted to duck and turkey. ===== The Rec... up, that is 120-125ml. I've also taken spoons to be Tb or tsp, whichever seems most appropriate, and ... I've here transcribed. A "morceau de sucre" would be a tsp, wouldn't it? I have made no attempt to st
Formal Concept Analysis: 6 Occurrences trouvées
e.html|FCA Home]]. Unfortunately, there seems to be little or no information provided about the algor... ConImp. The disadvantage is, only the context can be encoded in this format. * Comma Separated V... attributes attr1 and attr2, then first line will be the following: ;attr1;attr2.) Each of the succeed... The code is C and "parallel" is an option; it can be run as the sequential algorithm. In fact, the pa
Formats for Contexts and Concepts: 6 Occurrences trouvées
ive integer. The items in the test datasets will be consecutively numbered starting from 0, and each transaction will be sorted ascending. (Note that this is not yet the case for the provided test datasets.) For this, the Data class could be used, which is provided [[ wed). The file must have the ''slf'' extension to be recognized. ==== bin.xml ==== ==== csx ==== ==
Include Plugin: 6 Occurrences trouvées
yntax ===== Simply enclose the ID of the page to be included in double curly brackets: {{page>[id]... mpt to merge indentation, allowing the include to be used within other block syntax modes - e.g. [[plu... e current indentation level, allowing sections to be included seamlessly. This should only be used in ... d page at including whole pages, however both can be used to include whole pages or individual section
SQL Warehousing Tutorial: 5 Occurrences trouvées
resents a specific data range. This variable will be used in the populate_time_dimension data flow and... ns with the Design Studio. Several data flows can be combined within a control flow. A typical data wa... e process flow. Failed control flow instances can be restarted. When you restart an instance, it moves... es. If a failure occurs before a stop request can be processed, the instance moves to the Failed state
JSMath Debug: 5 Occurrences trouvées
months. Whoever, I discovered that it seemed to be implicated in errors when I tried to save new or ... ug this phenomenon, it seemed to me that it would be best to try a "vanilla" version of the plugin: if... = ''; This //should// be read by === install_js.php === then injected in... llJsMath); For some reason, that doesn't seem to be completing as it should. ==== More Troubleshooti
Color Contrast: 5 Occurrences trouvées
c{L_1 + 0.05}{L_2 + 0.05}</jsm>. The ratio should be greater than 3 for type 14pt or larger if boldfac... e of green. This inspires the question, "can blue be used on a black background? If so, what range of ... e needs a little "boosting" with red and green to be bright enough to show well on black. If we use eq... 48,48,255]. * Less blue will require more X, to be determined by analagous calculations. Boosting us
Family Systems: 5 Occurrences trouvées
select descriptors of family systems which could be good predictors--leading indicators--of socio-pol... nduct experiments to find out; however, there may be "experimental" evidence at a micro level, waiting... Axes ==== How can the variety of family systems be classified? One should perhaps begin by defining ... ce of the group in which a child develops, we can be satisfied by a very broad definition : a group in
JSM Markup Button: 5 Occurrences trouvées
I use those symbols in my texts, I felt it would be useful to have a button (or more) in the edit for... or "block" style (''div'' in html) It would thus be appropriate to have two buttons, one to add (or s... e LaTeX code) it indicated a "block" style should be applied; otherwise, "inline." So one could use a ... what I did, and can share today. I suppose it can be easily extended to the "standard version" needs,
rsync Overwrote a Newer File!: 4 Occurrences trouvées
avior of the ''-a '' or ''--archive'' option will be to replace files only by newer files of the same ... without interaction, so the latter behavior would be inappropriate. Why would it replace files regardl... options will not work: the source directory will be skipped. One must add the ''-d'' option to proces... rsync is called. The target destination must then be adjusted, of course. $ mkdir jay $ rsync -lp
SuitableStuff: 4 Occurrences trouvées
he list of most-used words will change ((it would be particularly nice if the LaTeX math commands were... button next to it for lists of contents which may be of interest to you. ==== Aside on Dokuwiki and W... l (not tree-like) site organization; "home" could be any page in the site, served up randomly, or perh... s of pages. Ultimately, this "root node" page may be deleted. Or this site could become a **[[fca|conc
Advice Snippets & Resources: 4 Occurrences trouvées
Fuzzy Concept Extractor: 4 Occurrences trouvées
How to Write a World Class Paper: 4 Occurrences trouvées
Aile de Raie - Sauce au Sauternes: 4 Occurrences trouvées
Hopping John: 4 Occurrences trouvées
Transactions: 4 Occurrences trouvées
Recognizing and Counting Squares: 3 Occurrences trouvées
nanoweb installation in Ubuntu 10.10: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Ramequin forestière (et alii): 3 Occurrences trouvées
Compte Rendu: 3 Occurrences trouvées
Visitor: 3 Occurrences trouvées
College Rankings: 3 Occurrences trouvées
FuzzyIntent: 3 Occurrences trouvées
what year might that have been?: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Eggnog Recipes: 2 Occurrences trouvées
rsync utility: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Ages of Parents Chart: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Design Pattern Template: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Frozen spinach with potatoes: 2 Occurrences trouvées
DokuWiki Plugins I Have Known: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Twigs: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Adding Buttons to DokuWiki: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Theories of Action: 2 Occurrences trouvées
Design Patterns: 2 Occurrences trouvées
LaTeX Math Symbols: 2 Occurrences trouvées
404: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Friday XIII: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Stump: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Chicken Marengo/Chasseur: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Joe's Special: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Php Classes of Possible Interest: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Theisms: 1 Occurrences trouvées
The Perfect Chocolate Cake: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Interactions controller-model: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Macaroni Casserole: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Spicy Baked Chicken: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Pollo à la Vinagreta: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Broken Connection: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Public Holidays in France: 1 Occurrences trouvées
GNU Emacs Lisp Package Archive: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Slip-on Shoes: 1 Occurrences trouvées
One-Bowl Dinner Rolls: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Shoes: 1 Occurrences trouvées
el-get package manager for emacs: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Ratpoison Window Manager: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Orphans Plugin: 1 Occurrences trouvées
Bibliography: 1 Occurrences trouvées
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